paintings - acrylics on canvas and mixed media artwork

A selection of work in a variety of techniques ranging from acrylic on canvas,
through water colour and ink on paper and card to sgraffito, collage and frottage.
See price guide for details of prices, sizes and media.

Click on an image for a larger view.


empty vessels - still life portraits

What started out as a still life painting to refresh my ability to understand how objects sit in space became a series of studies about the objects themselves. The objects I gathered together for the paintings were either given to me or left to me when someone had died, bought from a jumble sale or charity shop or found while out walking.

I realised as I was painting that the objects became more than just ornaments, pieces of fabric and dried plant life. They had gained a monumental, dignified, enduring presence which described the people to whom the objects or association of the objects belonged.

earlier paintings

Questioning the role of women in art as subjetive objects.

earlier mixed media

Animistic atavism - primitive techniques, emotions and expressions.

recent mixed media

Mixed media evocative of medieval stained glass and studies derived from natural form.